Monday, 6 July 2009

Dalloy (15)

Almost every night we chat bel msn he was always trying to be nice to me , Ya36eni his big Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii , calling me Daloya o some times Daloyty .. ensolif about random subjects , I talk about anything that pops into my head, I do most of the talking la2anna ma7eb ysef benna awkward silent moments 7ata law bel msn its awkward right! i want him to love me .. kelyoom at3alag feh zyada bs it was lel7en crush masar love .. sarli couple days mashefta , I miss him so much I really love seeing him , he didn't say ena he wanna see me ! after our Goodnights I signed out o went to bed and was thinking.. shda3wa lel7en mafaham ena i really like him , ya3ny i know he likes me shway bs I dont know if he likes me as a girlfriend type or as a little sister type, i'll start teneqez yemken yefham! aby asawe shay bs sheno?

Thani yoom as always i found my - Goodmorning DalooY ;* - msg .. radait 3alay .. tezahabt o re7t el koleyah .. wana bel 6erej fakart eni basawela CD kelah love songs .. mayo helped me to choose aghani 7elwa, sawenah eb lab el koleyah , kan 3endi cute colored cd boxes at home, 7a6et el cd eb box azrag "pepsi blue" o i went to type his name "Talal" 3ala el box eb swarovski crystals , kent aby akon creative 3ashan y7es ena he's special! kan shakel el box Y3AQED 7asafa masawarta :( .. re7t marina o 7a6ait el cd inside his car , o i didnt tell him ya3ny as a little surprise!

i decided to go up to see him min b3eed .. waay kaho! i blush when ever am around him 7atan law mayadre eni mawjoda , he's attractive ! shakle ghala6 o ghabi wana wagfa bas bel6agag i don't care .. dazetla msg enta el jamal o taja , enta el gomar wesraja , wenta ellithy me7taja.. ya7ajete la3yonak :* .. o gelt bashof radat fe3la laman yshof el msg!
he saw el msg o 3a6a mobilah BIG smile , happy smile o he sent me back Dalooyy ;** .. yes estanast , 3abali am bothering him la2anna i text him alot.. but it seems that he likes it.

Radait el bait , ga3adt a7el my homeworks 3ala maykhales dawama.. 7aram he works alot! sometimes ya36ona bs 1 day off! elly uhwa friday , madre uhma emsawen feh chethy wela uhwa yaby chethy , maybe he's work-a-holic ..


shefta :D

El.Box Mo6abe3y!! Min Wain??

ana saweeta specialy for u ;)

Ba3aD 3umRiiiiiiiiiii Wayid 7eloW!! Mashalla .. Ga3ed aSma3 El.aGhani .. 7aDech Sweeet Tadren ;** Kint 6aLE3 Halkan Wanasteni

ashwa hatha eli abeh :D enjoooyyy

hal sbo3 bel weekend .. elkhames solafna le 1.30 elfayer then nemna .. thani yoom -friday- i woke up arounf 11.00 dazetla G.M msg .. marad .. he's sleeping akeed masken esbo3a wayed mut3eb ..

2.00 Hello? maga3adt?

3.30 yalla goom bada3tttt

5.00 talal are you ok ?

5.30 hey whats wrong?

is he doing what azeez did to me ? la mo ma3qol aked something wrong! for 30 minutes i was staring at my mobile.. adeg ? madeg ? akhaf fe shay bel network? dazet msg my mobiley el thani WESALI elshabaka mafeha shay wel service FULL! at 6.00 i called !he didnt answer ambaih ! no this is not happening to me .. i was really worried , i freaked out , i went crazy! i called again .. no answer ! rekabt sayarty o ga3adt a7os bel shware3 i was crying ! i dont know what i did wrong this time , i was desperate madre shasawe! i went to juice shop sharetli 3a9er o i parked fy "sha6e2 shwaikh" facing the sea .. wondering .. whats happend!

at 8.15 he msged me! finally

Hi Dalooy am So Sorry kent Nayem o Maga3adt eLa 7.00! Yet Badeg 3aLa My Friend Wela Mobiley Mag6o3 ;/ Tawni Dafe3 Belma6ar Sorry Sweetie , Did u Call ? @@

waaay taw el nass ! laman sheft el msg met men el the7ek 3ala roo7i .. ambaih shfeeni laish ga3da asawe chethyy!

HEY ga3adt a7aty ! o ya i called bashof el mobile emsakar wela shelsalfa i was worried! mara thanya latkhale mobilek yenge6e3!

LoooL Sorry Walla . Enshalla Mara Thanya aDfa3 awal Bawal ;P Etkhafen 3alay ? @@ ??

ooff mani gayla zain

LOOL Cuutee ;**

since then i was follow him round like a puppy , i parked at marina o an6erya ye6la3 yerkab el sayara .. bs 3ashan ashofa , gumt aste7e anzel a7es 7fethoni el awadem .. o 6ab3an ohwa makan yadre ena i was there .. i was overly obsessed with him, it seems like I don't have a life. we had been exchanging messages for more than a month , God knew how happy I was .. some times kan ydezli forward "love messages" bas madre min galba wela its just a forward. I was unsure, about his feeling , he's given me much time texting me back taking bel msn, bs he didnt admit anything yet..maby a3aleg nafsy eb fantasy relationship , his current intentions are hard to say..

one day.. [msgs]

talal , wedi agolik shay bas akhaf tefhamni ghala6

Golay shda3wa, Mani Fahem Ghala6..

la la khalas hawant akhaf a6e7 men 3ainek

Hehe! Golay Ya Bnaya!

Hello @@ Wain re7Tay

teradadt gabel la adez el msg .. bs dazeta

a7es wedi akalmik bel telephone! :$

7ata aNa Wedi , Bas a7es Ena you are innocent Wena am the Firt Guy eTkalmena Fa maBy akon Sebab Ebkharabech!

aha ok

Plzz Dalya Latez3elen Bs a7es Ena iT Not The riGht Time!

la 3adey it's oki ambaih , ana shlon sa2alta ! ghabeya!

it seems ena he's not feeling the same way about me ! 3ayal laish kela ydezli his pictures mms o ysolif ma3ay 6ool el lail o yred 3ala my msgs , i was confused.. i have been stalking him somewhat and i know probably a lot more about him than he knows about me la2anna when i ask him about things he dont ask me back!..i called mayo bs her mobile was off! i called el6aifo

hi la6of

hala yooy shlonich?

zainaa , el6aifo tathker laman mara geltlik ena i like someone o madre shesma

sighs* eeh 3araftay esma?

ee 6alal el flani do u know him?

weee3 ayshay thooqich dalooy

enta we3 ! ambaih minsijek enta ,, adre me7tar

daloy tara he know flana1 o falantana

ayshay he's your friend?


3ayal shdarak?

mara kena ga3den bel square ana ma3a el shabab o ohwa kan mawjod .. daloy solaf 3anhum!

ayshay sa7? they are kinda ray7en feha

walla el 3athem! o my friend mara shafa ma3a flana eb maki salmiya


kaifech lat9adgen bs hatha elli sar o hatha mustawah , HEY laykon kalameh?

laaaa laaaaaaaaaaaaa ,, ashwa ene sa2altik gabel la at'hawar

7adech mo9a7ya

solafna ana weyah o sakarta , ana mara7 asadga .. lazem at2akad eb nafsi!
thany yoom sa2alta
do u have friends ? girls?

Yes Why?

just asking .. maykhalef a3aref asamehum

Sorry magdar :/

inzain awal a7rof min asamehum ??

* and *

i see :)

Are You oK?

yes :D

weeeee3 el6aifo 6ala3 saj ! GOD laykon ysolif 3anni ? ambaih etha ee fashla mostaqbele ra7 ! aked they are loughing at me .. assholes ! then i asked him 3an ashya2 thanya o 3a6ani clear answers! yat mayo eljam3a o wayeha mensefeg


"umi 6a7at 3alay"

"hahaha ayshay sa7!"

"hey menseji , o khathat mobiley! o khalatni a6ba3 el jadwal o galatli bel break treden el bait o mako refejat wala 6al3a"

"ambaih sorry"

"we3 lay3a chabde"

"tadren shlon , a7san .. ehya mara7 tertha feh anyway"

"ee sa7 laman darat meno safelat feni zyada daloy"

"golay el 7amdela 3ala kel7al .. o cheni basawe nafsech"

"laish shsayer?"

geltlaha sh9ar .. "may matla7then enna every time i make the move!"

"mmm .. ee yemken"

"o tadren ena y3aref flana o falantana?"


"YAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.. o sa2alta 3ani .. ena sheno he feels about me"


"shofay shdazli - I REALLy really reaaally Like You Bs Its Not Love , i Was in Love With a Girl o Kent abeHa Zawaj Bs Tzawejat Wa7ed Thani , aM not oVer Her Yet .. Magdar a7eb Al7en :( - shrayech?"

"ambaih daloy khale ywale y7a9ela hal kalb"

"etsadgen .. ana men 3araft ena y3aref hal flanten wana kasha menah .. ambaih bas wayed meftashla min elli saweta ,, estakhafaitt! akhaf ygol 7ag a7ad .. ambaih staghfralla HAWAS"

"ee sij kentay wayed maynoona .. bs la dont worry enshalla enshalla mara7 yet7acha .. o khalas khanser tekana"


dazetla msg .. Hey talal , busy?




    Nadoosh ;*

  2. wallah galby kan naqizny 3la hal 6alal, ashwa you found out before you did anything !!

    ana agoul l6aif ma fee shay o maskeena may ;**

  3. FIRST!!

    i knew there was something fishy about talal! thank god dalya came back to her senses!

    oo inshala talal ma yiftha7ha!:O

  4. Heyy, i started reading your story ams o 5ala9t the whole thing XD

    its awesome walla, so addicting :P

    maaa7eb 6alal ><
    La6oof is awesome though ;*

  5. waaaaaaaaaaaaal kil hatha 6ila3 menah...i guess he is too good to be true lazim il hotties feehum she6anaaa...ow a7is his answers arent realistic madri ya3ni yaza3am rejection indirectly...5alich 3ala el6aifo a7sanlach dam shareeech elwalad lol...

  6. Hey,
    when will you post:*

  7. Nadoosh" :**
    Love ;** " el6aifo asghar menni plus he's the most jaikar ever o lo shesawe maytaraga3 :P bs still he's the best hehe
    pimple" :**
    Mahooling" thnks love u :*
    Nawarii" :**
    anonymous" ya bacher ya now , bs it will be agsar post eb 7ayaty!

